1. Upendra Nagaich, Neha Jain, Swati Chauhan: Formulation of ultra-deformable vesicles for atopic dermatitis ref no. 201711033464
  2. Yaman Chauhan, Siddhartha Mukherjee, Shreya Kaul, Deepali Verma, Pooja Guleria, Amit Kumar, Arun Kumar Sharma, Ashish Kumar, Satyendra Kumar Rajput, Suraj Prakash Agarwal, Upendra Nagaich: Orthodontic shoe ref no. 201711016939
  3. Arun Kumar Sharma, Ashish Kumar, Siddhartha Mukherjee, Pooja Guleria, Yaman Chauhan, Satyendra Kumar Rajput, Upendra Nagaich: Animal Cage with Intensive Care for Post-Operative Animals ref no. 201711023056
  4. Ankush Sarpal, Ashish Kumar, Arun Kumar Sharma, S. P. Agarwal, Upendra Nagaich: Formulation of resveratrol and humic acid from shilajit for cardio protection ref no. 201611040694
  5. Siddhartha Mukherjee, Ashish Kumar, Arun Kumar Sharma, Satyendra Kumar Rajput, Upendra Nagaich: A robust dual mode biopsy punch ref no. 201611034252
  6. Swati Chauhan, Neha Jain, Upendra Nagaich: Nanodiamonds loaded in situ gels for sustained inner ear drug delivery ref no. 201611031969
  7. Arun Kumar Sharma, Ashish Kumar, Upendra Nagaich, Satyendra Kumar Rajput: Pressure modulating device for diabetic foot ulcer healing ref no. 201611024240
  8. Upendra Nagaich, Ashish Kumar, Arun Kumar Sharma: Novel quad layer bandages for immediate relief from pain and wound healing ref no. 201611022045
  9. Upendra Nagaich, Ashish Kumar, Arun Kumar Sharma, Vinod Kumar: Electrostatic Smoke Precipitator ref no. 201611001524
  10. Upendra Nagaich and Ashish Kumar: Helmet comprising air purification system providing pollutant free air to users ref no. 3011/DEL/2015
  11. Upendra Nagaich, Ashish Kumar and Divya: Benzalkonium Chloride Coated Copper Nanoparticles Containing Condom Lubricant ref no. 3123/DEL/2014
  12. Upendra Nagaich and Ashish Kumar: Car seat cover with triple layer system ref no. 3024/DEL/2014
  13. Upendra Nagaich and Ashish Kumar: A Helmet with disposable dual layer system to prevent alopecia ref no. 2959/DEL/2014

Recipient of many prestigious awards:
100 Most Impactful Healthcare Leaders - Global Listing at World Health & Wellness Congress

I am currently the founder & director at SPER Market Research, which is a leading, full-service global market research/business intelligence and consulting company offering quantitative data collection, qualitative fieldwork, strategic research, desk research and market intelligence solutions. Headquartered in Noida city, the company has offices worldwide, and provides strategic & consulting services.

A seasoned business leader with a demonstrated history of working in healthcare and technology industry and successful in nurturing the business from the grassroots level, achieved significant profitability goals, and driving increased revenue for the organization.

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"Give your Best and Be Ready for the Worst.."
— Dr. Upendra Nagaich


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